2 Cheese Choice of Politics

It’s a choice between two cheeses. On the left we have the bland taste of an Edam, or a Red Leicester, something that doesn’t interfere with the pallet, too much. Akin to margarine, perhaps a mild cheddar. It has bounce, has rubber, and sits politely on top of your cream cracker without really announcing itself.

On the right we have the processed cheese, some call it burger cheese. It melts on sight, and sticks to the roof of your mouth like glue. It offends only in sight, offers little substance, and needs a strong base like eye-watering onion or heavy chargrilled beef to give it any chance of being noticed.

In fact, when it comes to our choices for voting, one could be the other and the other could be neither, either.

Where are the extra mature cheeses; the Goudas; the Stiltons? We need the heavy-hitters at this table, the ones who turn the air blue but get the job done. The ones who can behave on their own, can stand on their own two feet, and yet, when paired with a good relish, can become something even more joyous. 

Having said all that, we are faced with a choice between two cheeses. The bland, and the processed. Personally, I’ve never liked either. 

This blog has been a journey on my thoughts with the current state of UK politics and was brought to you through WordPress, and shared on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. Written on Google via a Lenovo laptop. Joy. Disney, will you sponsor me? I talk movies, emotions, poetry and memories. I am not really political, but you can’t help but be affected by the natural disorder of worldwide government systems. Time for change.

Published by zac_hary

author, playwright, performer and poet ; co-host a podcast. mental health activist and speaker. Oh, I live with bi-polar too.

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